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pe locomotion gross motor movement physcial education teach lessons how to play sport
PE lesson plans, prime coaching sport, K-6 teaching ideas, fitness ideas for kids, PE stations, free PE teaching ideas, coaching soccer for PE, teaching resources, lesson plans for PE, primary sport ideas, how to teach PE
PE lesson plans, prime coaching sport, K-6 teaching ideas, fitness ideas for kids, PE stations, free PE teaching ideas, coaching soccer for PE, teaching resources, lesson plans for PE, primary sport ideas, how to teach PE

 Running  Skipping  Hopping  Jumping  Galloping  Side stepping Leaping

You may have realised that some students struggle to grasp basic movement patterns when out in the playground or while playing particular sports. Locomotion skills form the building blocks for more complex movements needed in sports, as your students develop and grow. To some this comes naturally, whilst with others you need to give them that little extra coaching and encouragement to help them push through in their gross-motor abilities.


Below I go through the 7 essential variations of movements that are required across a multitude of sports such as basketball, soccer, volleyball, American football, tennis and more! You can watch the videos with your class as then take them out to practice and play!

(if you need PE game activities, click to check out these awesome lesson plans ›››

Kindy to Grade 2 latest.jpg

 Pump your arms backwards and forwards

  (don't swing them out to the sides)


Lift your knees high each step


Keep your back straight


 Hop up and land on 1 foot

   ...Then switch feet


 Hop and land off of your toes


 Swing your arms to help you hop high


 Hop up and land on 1 foot

   (on your toes)


 Practice using just your left or right foot




 Keep your knees and feet together


 Jump off of both feet at the same time

   (on your toes)


Swing your arms to help you jump further



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 Jump off of one foot, and land on the other


 Try to jump high and far


Jump and land on your toes



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 Put 1 leg out straight in front of you

   (and the other leg behind)


 Move forward keeping the same leg in front and same leg behind



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 Stay low with your knees bent


Keep on your toes 


 Move left and right facing the same way



I've put together an educational poster pack of these movements, which you can print out and put up around the sport hall for reference. Each poster can be printed out as large or small as you like, and contains bright illustrations and definitions of each of the movements...

sport physical education pe running skipping hopping jumping galloping leaping side stepping locomotion movement exercise

(click to check them out)

And now it's time for you and your students to put your movement into practice! I've got loads of games prepared for you and your class to go through, you'll never run out of PE ideas :)


Check out the instantly downloadable

Complete Kindergarten (K-2) PE Sport Skills and Games pack ›››

kindergarten sport pe elementary school physic education soccer basketball tennis baseball football

(click to check it out NOW!)

teaching ideas, sports, elementary fitness, exercise, teaching resources

You’ll feel confident to teach all these skills to your students, even if you’ve never done them yourself! Everything is ready to go, no prep or planning and searching, meaning you can choose a lesson plan or game and setup it up straight off the iPad at your gym or sports field. You can also assess the students with a simple rationale to follow, perfect for your report writing!

pe lesson games sport education teaching activities kids
physical education lessons sport skill plans elementary school kindergarten grade
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